Tribunal Court Dismisses Forgery Allegations by PDP
- Posted on September 07, 2023
- Politics

All allegations dropped against President Bola Tinubu by the PDP in the election which placed Tinubu as the winner has been dismissed by the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal.
Amongst the struck-out allegations the PDP leveled against Bola Tinubu was a section claiming that he was not qualified to contest the election.
While the PDP argued that Tinubu wasn't qualified to contest the election, the court claimed that the petitioners could not provide claims as to what the required qualifications were.
The Court also struck out the paragraph where the petitioners stated that there were irregularities and malpractices during and after the election.
Justice Stephen Adah said,
The witness statements being incompetent are, hereby, struck out and as point because of this court.
The further consequence of that decision is that given the provision of paragraph 41 sub three of the same first schedule to the Electoral Act 2022, stating that there shall be no oral examination of a witness during his evidence in chief except to lead the witness to adopt his written deposition and tender in evidence or disputed documents or other exhibits referred to in this deposition.
It follows that all the evidence including evidence in cross-examination and all documents, reports…are incompetent, and are hereby expunged from the records of this court.
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