Tag: O

January 31, 2020

What is 183(b) Election

This is a tax election that allows startups business owners to pay tax on the total fair market value of vested shares. When shares are subjected to vesting, it means that at every time a portion of t...

January 31, 2020

52 Weeks High/Low

The 52 Weeks High/Low is a record on the price of the stock for the past 52 weeks. It is a record of the highest and lowest stock price the previous year that helps stock investors to monitor the curr...

January 31, 2020


An adhesion contract is an agreement between two parties where one party has more power than the other and the terms and conditions of the contract is not negotiable. Generally, contracts contain ...

January 31, 2020


Earnest money in real estate deal (often called home deposit) refers to a deposit that is made by a buyer to a home seller as an indication of his interest to buy the home. When a buyer intends to...

January 30, 2020

501(c)(3) Organizations

Section 501(c)(3) is part of the Internal Revenue Code that allows nonprofit making organizations to be exempted from payment of tax. Organizations that usually benefit from this exemption are chariti...