How to earn money working from home in Nigeria
There are several ways to generate money when working from home, even if you're looking for a full-time job or a side hustle to support your income. Earning money from home can either be y...
There are several ways to generate money when working from home, even if you're looking for a full-time job or a side hustle to support your income. Earning money from home can either be y...
In a draft entitled, Draft Code of Practice provided by Nigeria's internet regulator, there are ongoing plans to control online social networking services including Facebook, WhatsApp,...
One of the most significant factors to consider when making financial decisions is your projected return. When stock prices rise, stock investors might profit from capital gains. Dividends, on the oth...
"Big Short" hedge fund manager Michael Burry has been aggressively investing amid the current market plungeSliding equities and plummeting home sales, according to Burry, remind him of the 2008 housin...
A mutual fund is a form of financial vehicle that invests in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets by pooling money from multiple investors.Professional money ma...
If you want to be self-sufficient as an investor, you might consider becoming a stock analyst. It's always preferable to learn the skills yourself, especially with some analysts' trustworthiness being...
Finding a good/well-paying job in Nigeria is becoming increasingly difficult. Millions of students graduate from university each year with little to no chance of finding work for a variety of reasons....
Earnings per share (EPS) is the portion of a company's profits that is available to its common stockholders. Investors keep a careful watch on this metric, which they use to evaluate a company's perfo...
To raise funds, publicly listed corporations might sell preferred or common stock to investors.Both can pay dividends, albeit the amount paid out and the timing of such payouts may differ.Between the ...
Investing in stocks entails owning a portion of the company in which you purchase a stock. You should anticipate the stock to provide a return on your investment as the firm expands.Over the years, th...