What is the definition of a fund of funds?
A fund of funds is a fairly self-explanatory entity, it is any form of fund (usually mutual) which invests in other funds as a means of diversification. This is essentially one level of risk removed f...
A fund of funds is a fairly self-explanatory entity, it is any form of fund (usually mutual) which invests in other funds as a means of diversification. This is essentially one level of risk removed f...
The FTSE100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange) is the benchmark index used in the United Kingdom. It is the weighted market capitalization of the 100 largest stocks listed on the London Stock Exchange....
The front office is the section of a financial firm responsible for functions such as:SalesTradingMergers and AcquisitionsAdvisory...
Free cash flow is a measure of how much money is available to investors through the operations of the business after accounting for expenses of the business such as taxes, operational expenses and cap...
Fractional banking is a type of banking commonly used throughout the Western world. It describes a bank which only holds a fraction of its assets as deposits. ...
Forward spread is a trading term used to define the difference in the price of an asset between two time periods. The spread is calculated by taking away the current price of the asset from ...
Forex stands for Foreign Exchange, which refers to the trading of currencies on a market. Forex trading is one of the most popular forms of trading in the world, and as s...
A football field graph is a graph showing the valuation of a company according to different methodologies. Some of the methodologies used are:DCFPublic ComparablesPrecedent TransactionsThe g...
A 'fly spread' is a trading term used for hedging when trading. It requires buying and selling highly correlated assets in the correct ratios to each other....
A floating interest rate is one that is not fixed, but rather is free to float around with whatever the prevailing interest rate is at the time. When two parties agree a loan at a fixed interest rate ...