Balance of Payments (BOP)
What is the definition of Balance of Payments (BOP)?DefinitionBalance of Payments (BOP), also known as balance of international payments, is a record of all the financial transactions and interna...
What is the definition of Balance of Payments (BOP)?DefinitionBalance of Payments (BOP), also known as balance of international payments, is a record of all the financial transactions and interna...
What is Bait and Switch?DefinitionThe bait and switch is a dubious sales tactic used to lure or attract a customer by advertising a low-priced item to the customer then maneuvering them to buy a ...
What is Bail-In?DefinitionA bail-in is a means of providing help by the creditors of a company on the verge of failure by writing off debt the company is owed or converting the debt into equity, ...
A bailout is said to happen when a business, an individual, or the government provide a failing company or government with capital or resources (capital injection). This usually happens when a company...
What is a Bail Bond?A bail bond is a type of surety bond which is signed by a defendant as an agreement to pay a sum of money as ordered by the court or appear in court for trial. It is cosigned by a ...
What is Bag Holder?A bag holder is a term used to refer to investors or individuals who are stuck with something that is completely worthless or almost worthless. Such a person is said to be left “h...
A business is always at risk so many times, one of these risks is offering goods and services on credit to customers who may likely fail to pay up. It’s a personal choice for a business to write off...
For any business to thrive successfully it must duly pay attention to all aspects of the business that can likely affect its performance; this includes its credit extension. Businesses are prone to ex...
Backwardation is a term conversant with commodity trading in the futures market, closely associated with this term is ‘contango’. They are both terms used to define the futures price of a commodit...
What is Backward Integration?“Backward integration refers to the process in which a company purchases or internally produces segments of its supply chain.”Backward integration can be simply d...