Tag: At

February 24, 2020

Basic Materials

what is Basic Material in Finance? With the high rise of the production and manufacturing sector, there is a consistent demand for basic materials. To meet the demands of manufacturers for produc...

February 18, 2020

Bank Reconciliation

DefinitionA bank reconciliation is a document that matches a company’s cash balance on its balance sheet to the equivalent amount on its bank statement. Bank reconciliation is done at intervals to e...

February 18, 2020

Bank Rating

What is Bank Rating?DefinitionBank rating is a set of numerical or alphabetical ranking of banks, thrift, and other financial management organizations by Federal deposit insurance or private comp...

February 18, 2020

Bank Statement

What is a Bank Statement?DefinitionA bank statement, also known as account statement, is a financial term used to refer to a confidential document that is sent from a bank to its account holders every...

February 18, 2020

Bank Identification Number (BIN)

What is Bank Identification Number (BIN)?Definition A bank identification number (BIN) refers to the first four to six numbers reflected on a bank-issued card. The first digit of the BIN represen...

February 14, 2020

Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL)

What is a Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL)?DefinitionA bank confirmation letter is a letter that confirms an established loan or line of credit with a financial institution. It is a letter gotten f...

February 14, 2020

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW)

What is Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW)?DefinitionThe bank swap rate, also known as Bank Reference Rate, is the rate banks charge to lend money to each other in Australia. In the happening of an unexp...

February 12, 2020

Balanced Investment Strategy

What is a Balanced Investment Strategy?DefinitionA balanced investment strategy is a technique used in portfolio allocation by combining the investments in a portfolio with the aim of balancing r...

February 10, 2020

Benefit-Cost Ratio (BRC)

What is a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BRC)?DefinitionThe benefit-cost ratio is an indicator used in a cost-benefit analysis to give an overview of a project or proposal showing the relationship between t...