Tag: Ai

February 11, 2020

Bait and Switch

What is Bait and Switch?DefinitionThe bait and switch is a dubious sales tactic used to lure or attract a customer by advertising a low-priced item to the customer then maneuvering them to buy a ...

February 11, 2020


What is Bail-In?DefinitionA bail-in is a means of providing help by the creditors of a company on the verge of failure by writing off debt the company is owed or converting the debt into equity, ...

February 07, 2020


A bailout is said to happen when a business, an individual, or the government provide a failing company or government with capital or resources (capital injection). This usually happens when a company...

February 07, 2020

What is a Bail Bond in finance?

What is a Bail Bond?A bail bond is a type of surety bond which is signed by a defendant as an agreement to pay a sum of money as ordered by the court or appear in court for trial. It is cosigned by a ...