Sesame Seed Price, Top Import and Export Countries

The Sesamum indicum plant produces pods that contain sesame seeds, which are very small seeds that are high in oil content. They have a long history of application in alternative and traditional medicine dating back thousands of years.

However, we have countries that have the highest import/export rate globally. Here at Investingport, you’ll be seeing the list of sesame seed top importers and exporters globally.

Top Exporters of Sesame Seed Globally

Below are the top exporters of sesame seeds globally.

  1. Sudan ($690M)

  2. India ($463M)

  3. Nigeria ($396M)

  4. Ethiopia ($352M)

  5. Niger ($224M).

Top Importers of Sesame Seed Globally

Below are the top importers of sesame seeds globally.

  1. China ($999M)

  2. Japan ($331M)

  3. Turkey ($294M)

  4. India ($181M)

  5. United Arab Emirates ($166M).

What are Sesame Seeds?

Sesame plant seeds (Sesamum indicum) mature in 4-5 months when 50% of the capsules become yellow. Northern Nigeria harvests sesame twice a year (August and October). It's the world's most popular vegetable oil since it's cholesterol-free and Nigeria is one of the world's largest sesame seed producers, and exports a lot of sesame seeds.

Types of Sesame Seeds Found in Nigeria

White sesame seeds and golden sesame seeds are the two most common types of Nigerian sesame seeds. White sesame seeds are cultivated in the middle belt of the nation, particularly in the state of Benue. Golden sesame seeds are found in the northern section of the country (Jigawa and Kano States are major producers of this type).

  1. Unhulled Sesame Seeds

The external coating or coat of sesame seeds is referred to as the husk or hull, and it may be removed. The unhulled sesame seeds have not been processed, thus their husks or hulls have not been removed. They are now in their original condition. When compared to hulled seeds, unhulled seeds have a flavor that is just a touch more bitter, but they also have a taste that is nuttier and a texture that is more crunchy.

  1. Hulled Sesame Seeds

The hulls of the sesame seeds are removed to produce hulled sesame seeds. The unhulled seeds have a more robust flavor that is earthier, nuttier, and just a touch more bitter than the ones that have been hulled.

International Price of Sesame Seeds Per Metric Ton

On the global market, the unit price of Sesame Seeds, expressed in dollars per kilogram, is dependent upon a wide variety of factors, including the following:

  • Distance from the country of origin

  • Technology/Infrastructure available in the country of origin

  • The grade of the produce (usually the more the processing, the higher the price)

  • The quantity ordered (the greater the quantity, the cheaper you can get it per ton)

  • Harvest season (it is more costly when it is out of harvest season).

  • Freight & haulage cost

  • The price of the raw material

  • Age of the seeds (this can affect the price)

  • Percentage of markup

  • Import duties

  • Distance from the country of origin

  • Technology/Infrastructure available in the country of origin

  • Relationship between the buyer and seller

In July 2022 Sesame seed will cost between $1,050 and $1,750 per metric ton (1,000 kilograms) in the worldwide market (i.e. $1/kg to $1.75/kg).

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