No college football in the fall for these schools due to Covid-19

Due to the coronavirus pandemic which brought the global society to a halt, many sectors of the economy have slowed down. As many sports teams, clubs, and companies proceed with their live sports with the absence of their audience, the Ivy League has decided to cancel its football schedule and other sports until the Covid-19 situation has been properly brought under control. In a statement released by the league’s Council of Presidents, the decision was described as “extremely difficult.” “With the information available to us today regarding the continued spread of the virus, we simply do not believe we can create and maintain an environment for intercollegiate athletic competition that meets our requirements for safety and acceptable levels of risk, consistent with the policies that each of our schools is adopting as part of it reopening plans for this fall,” said the league. “We are entrusted to create and maintain an educational environment that is guid...

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