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November 18, 2019

What Is Calenderization?

Calenderization is the accounting process of matching the financial records of 2 companies. All companies have different start/end dates to their financial year so when attempting to compare companies...

November 18, 2019

What Is The CAC in Finance?

The CAC40 is the benchmark index used in France, similar to the NASDAQ or S&P500. It is the market capitalization-weighted measure of the 40 largest stocks on the Euronext Paris exchange....

November 18, 2019

Whta is C-Level in Finance

The C-Level comprises the roles of CEO, COO and CFO. It is the highest possible level within a public corporation. In order to become a C-Level employee, one must have worked at a similar level or at ...

November 18, 2019

DEFINITION of buyback in Finance

A buyback is a corporate action undertaken by a firm where it repurchases some of its shares outstanding from the market. This is done for one of 3 reasons:Increase the value of the shares (less suppl...

November 15, 2019

My 5 Tips For Successful Trading

There are lots of people who aspire to become profitable traders in today's market environment. Many people who come to trade stocks, options, and other securities are attracted to the potential of ma...

November 15, 2019

Money Is In The Mind

Some of us make huge money. Some makes a real big amount. It is as if they have a magic formula. Look at the rich list. Most of them find their name repeated year after year. At the same time there ar...