What is the definition of Gordon Growth Method
Gordon Growth Method is a methodology used in a DCF analysis, which can be used instead of the Terminal Multiple methods. The basis behind this method is that it assumes the company wil...
Gordon Growth Method is a methodology used in a DCF analysis, which can be used instead of the Terminal Multiple methods. The basis behind this method is that it assumes the company wil...
Goodwill is an accounting measure that refers to some of the intangible assets of a company. The difference between Intangible Assets and Goodwill is that the assets listed under Intangible Assets hav...
The Glass-Steagall Act was a piece of legislation passed in the US in the 1930s which separated commercial banks and investment banks. The aim was to protect the customers of commercial banks fro...
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, is a standardized set of rules and systems used by all firms with regards to their financial statements. All financial statements have to conform to ...
Gamma is a term used in trading to assess the rate of change of the delta of an asset relative to the change in the price of the asset and is used to analyze the movement of deriva...
A future is a derivative which can be traded on financial markets. It is a contract that means the buyer (seller) is obligated to buy (sell) an asset at a pre-determined date at a pre-determined price...
Fundamental analysis is the technique of analyzing an asset based on its true value. This entails everything from global events to firm management to trading multiples.The idea behind fundam...
A fund of funds is a fairly self-explanatory entity, it is any form of fund (usually mutual) which invests in other funds as a means of diversification. This is essentially one level of risk removed f...
The FTSE100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange) is the benchmark index used in the United Kingdom. It is the weighted market capitalization of the 100 largest stocks listed on the London Stock Exchange....
The front office is the section of a financial firm responsible for functions such as:SalesTradingMergers and AcquisitionsAdvisory...