What is the definition of a Intangible Assets?
Intangible Assets are those assets held by a company that are not physical (an example of a physical asset would be a factory, computers etc)....
Intangible Assets are those assets held by a company that are not physical (an example of a physical asset would be a factory, computers etc)....
A company or government is deemed to be insolvent when it cannot pay its debts (i.e. is due to default). It is insolvency if it is due to not actually having enough money to pay off the debt, whereas ...
Insider trading is a financial crime which involves trading based on information which is not available to the general public. Insider trading is only illegal when the in...
An Initial Public Offering or IPO is the very first sale of stock to the public by a private company. This is also known as 'going public'. There are two kinds of companies who will undertake an IPO:S...
Inflation risk is the risk an investor takes on when holding cash or investing in an asset which is not linked to inflation. The risk is that the cash value will be reduced by inflation....
Inflation is the term used in economics to describe the rate at which the price of a representative basket of goods is increasing. Some inflation is good, and central banks attempt to achieve a consis...
An index is a measure of an economy and in financial terms, it is a synthetic (imaginary) portfolio which aims to represent a specific market. As this is just a benchmark and aims to only represent th...
An Income Statement is one of the three financial statements that are used to value a company and to show inflows and outflows of value. The Income Statement lists all operational costs of the busines...
In the money is a trading term referring to the value of options. If an option is said to be 'in the money', then it has value. In the money does not mean you have made a profit yet because ...
Historical value is very simple, it is merely the price at which an asset or security has typically traded in the past and is used in a trading analysis to determine if the stock is over or ...