List of black investment firms - Updated

The #BlackLivesMatter” movement has brought with it some positive changes to the stocks owned by black companies. The stocks of some of the black companies including Urban One – UONE and have witnessed a tremendous surge both in demand and in supply. Some of the black companies stocks that are currently trading high are small-cap and, as a result, they are not usually listed in NYSE or Nasdaq. It is against this background that a list of the black companies that operate top investment opportunities has been collated.
Advent Capital Management
Advent Capital Management is a registered investment advisor founded and managed by Tracy Vincent Maitland in 1996. Maitland was a former director in the convertible securities department of Merrill Lynch (now BAML). The company operates as an investment firm, and invest in high yield, convertibles, and equity securities.
Advent Capital Management currently runs over $9 billion investment with some strategies exclusively focused on convertibles, while others allocate across the capital structure. The company's asset manager expertly diversified investments into three synergistic business areas
- It has over $1 billion in three different close-end funded all.listed on NYSE
- It manages roughly $7 billion in long-only funds, primarily investing in convertibles (with some straight high yield debt)
- It has more than $400 million in investments in alternatives. This includes hedge funds, absolute return funds, and liquid alternatives.
The company has about 60 staff, mainly in New York and London. Almost half of the staff are professionals in investment. According to the company's COO Kris Haber, “The analyst team cover sectors, sub-sectors, and geographies. They use both sides of the brain in analyzing income statements and balance sheets.”
With this brilliant report coupled with the surge in black-owned company's stock, investing with the company promises a good return.
Brown Capital Management
Brown Capital Management is a registered investment advisor founded by Eddie Carl Brown in 1983. Brown is an American investment manager and entrepreneur. He is also a renowned philanthropist. The company is located in Baltimore, Maryland, and has amassed more than $10 billion under management.
Brown Investment Management has deep experience in domestic and international investment. The company's goal is to help all long-term investors, whether a beginner or professional, achieve their desire.
In 1992, the company launched its Small Company Fund Investors Class (BCSIX). This subsidiary is managed by Keith Lee, Kempton Ingersol, Robert Hall, Damien Davis, and Andrew Fones.
Ariel Investment
Ariel Investment is also an investment management company. It was founded in 1983 by John.W Rogers. It is located in Chicago, Illinois, USA. While Rogers is the founder and CEO, Mellody Hobson has been the president of the company since May 2000. The company focused on small and mid-capitalized stocks based in the United States.
Ariel Investment has 88 workers with the workers and board owning up to 95% of the company. It has over $10 billion in management.
As a minority-owned company, Ariel is rated as the largest-minority owned investment firm.
Investing in the company promised a good return.
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