By Victoria Jun, 15, 2020 Editors Pick
In an Instagram post on Friday, Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos revealed that he has been getting some discouraging and disheartening email on account of his contribution to the fight against racial discrimination. The series of email messages were in response to not just his post but also the banner on top of the Amazon page that reads “Black Lives Matter. As a response to the post on the banner, a customer countered him with the statement that it is not just the lives of the blacks that matters. “All Lives Matters,” the unknown customer said. Jeff Bezos responded to this that the post is not against the fact that all lives indeed matters but a response to the ongoing segregation against the blacks. He also revealed to the customer that he is in full support of the movement.
In relation to this, Amazon has promised to donate $10 million to organizations in charge of the movement such as the National Urban League and the NAACP.
Bezos shared another profanity-laced email that he received from a man called Dave. Dave is one of the Amazon customers who are against the CEO’s support for the movement. In his post, Dave shows his dissatisfaction using derogatory words. Part of his statement reads “You are a perfect asshole. I was placing an order with your company when I discovered your statement of support for the 'Black Lives Matter’ movement… I canceled my order, and I know for a fact that I won’t be the only one… My business relationship is over with you”
The CEO shared the post explaining that “There have been a number of sickening but not surprising responses on my inbox since my last post. this sort of hate should not be allowed to hide in the shadows. It is important to make it visible." "This is just one of the problems, "he added. However the reply does not end there, here comes the bomb
“And Dave you are the kind of customer I am happy to lose.”
While many are still criticizing the CEO for his support for the movement, this singular act and his readiness to lose a customer who is blinded to the truth that the lives of the blacks indeed matter has earned him a lot of support from prolific figures. In fact, in less than 24 hours, the post has gotten more than 250,000 likes and even earned lots of comment from prolific figures such as Gary Vaynerchuk, and the award-winning model and artist Amber Rose. These prolific supporters do not just comment on the post they also promised to double their order on Amazon.
It is noteworthy that Jeff is not only the businessman supporting the movement, others who have contributed their supports to the movement include Tesla (the CEO of Elon Musk)UBER and Tim Cook.
The movement titled "Black Lives Matter" came after the gruesome death of blacks such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery needs.
Tags: Jeff Bezos Amazon AMZN Black lives matter. BLM
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