- What is the meaning of Non Fungible Token that we all know as NFT

What is the meaning of Non Fungible Token that we all know as NFT

By admin Nov, 13, 2021 Featured

The technology world is evolving and sometimes we find ourselves trying to understand many things in Technology language. NFT is the newest Technology that people are becoming very interested in and that is why we want to discuss the meaning of NFT in this article.


What is NFT?


To put NFT in a simple term, it is a Non-fungible token, it is defined as a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data that is stored on a digital ledger.  Maybe a simple way to define this is to say that NFT a way of carrying precious things around digitally. Items like arts etc.


Also, NFT’s uniqueness makes it tough to duplicate, copy or subdivide.  The data is stored on the blockchain, the blockchain is used to certify the authenticity of the NFT and the ownership.

The video below describes what NFT means. What it is and how to trade, buy or collect it. 

Tags: NFTS NFT what is NFT how does NFT works

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