- United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have contracted Coronavirus again

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have contracted Coronavirus again

By admin Nov, 15, 2020 Editors Pick

The UK prime minister Boris Johnson is back in isolation after a possible new coronavirus exposure. According to the U.K. government spokesperson, Boris Johnson is self-isolating after coming in contact with a member of parliament who tested positive for coronavirus. 


In April 2020, Mr. Boris Johnson spent 3 days in the intense care unite after he was covid-19 positive.  Luckily, he was ok, and now he may be at risk again. 


"He was notified about the contact by NHS Test and Trace, a government contact tracing service, that he had come into contact with someone who tested positive and was required to self-isolate" - CNBC said.

“The Prime Minister will follow the rules and is self-isolating,” according to the statement. “He will carry on working from Downing Street, including on leading the Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Tags: Boris Johnson Covid-19 Coronavirus UK

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