By admin Nov, 15, 2020 Editors Pick
The UK prime minister Boris Johnson is back in isolation after a possible new coronavirus exposure. According to the U.K. government spokesperson, Boris Johnson is self-isolating after coming in contact with a member of parliament who tested positive for coronavirus.
In April 2020, Mr. Boris Johnson spent 3 days in the intense care unite after he was covid-19 positive. Luckily, he was ok, and now he may be at risk again.
"He was notified about the contact by NHS Test and Trace, a government contact tracing service, that he had come into contact with someone who tested positive and was required to self-isolate" - CNBC said.
“The Prime Minister will follow the rules and is self-isolating,” according to the statement. “He will carry on working from Downing Street, including on leading the Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Tags: Boris Johnson Covid-19 Coronavirus UK
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