- Traveling during COVID-19

Traveling during COVID-19

By Victoria Jun, 11, 2020 Business

 There are cases of COVID-19 in all 50 states of the United States of America. The situation is currently on the rise and as a result, bans have been placed on traveling in and out of the state because traveling intensifies the case. Before looking at the conditions attached to traveling in and out of the state, if you want to travel, here are a few questions to answer

  • Is COVID-19, present in the state or country you are traveling to?
  • Is there at least 6 feet distance between you and the people you are traveling with during and after the trip?
  • Do you live with someone who is more likely to fall ill of COVID-19?
  • Does the state government where you are and where you are traveling to require that you stay at home at least for 14 days?


Tips To Observe While Traveling

If you are planning to travel, ensure you protect yourself adequately to avoid contracting the virus.

  • Clean your hands as often as you can with hand sanitizer or by watching your hands with soap and water and for at least 20 mins under running water. 
  • Avoid touching public surfaces like door handles. If you mistakenly touch any surface, wash your hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth with your elbows when coughing or sneezing
  • Get your foods and snacks at curbside restaurants, drive-throughs, and stores.
  • Avoid close contact.


Considerations for the types of travel

It is no longer news that traveling increases the chances of contracting the coronavirus. Also, there is no safe type of traveling. All traveling systems like air, water, and road can be very dangerous in this period. Added to this, it is difficult to practice social distancing in places like airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops. Below are some of the risk to consider when traveling


Air Travel

Air traveling includes traveling on planes. This kind of traveling requires spending time on airport terminals and security lines. This could bring you in close contact with an infected person. 

While most germs and viruses do not spread on the plane as much as in other types of traveling, maintaining social distance can be very difficult. The distance between you and the next passenger is usually not up to 6 feet. This could heighten the spread of the virus. 


Train or Bus traveling

Like Air traveling, traveling on the train or bus would not allow you to practice the social distancing that has been put in place. The space between you and the people around is not always up to 6feets. This could increase the chance of contracting the virus. 


Car Travel

While traveling in your own personal car can help reduce the risk of getting infected or coming into close contact with an infected person, making stops at a place like stores, and gas stations can increase the risk. 


RV travels

RV travel typically means spending the night at RV parks and getting supplies and gas at other public places. This can increase the risk of coming into close contact with an infected person. 

Tags: coronavirus airline DAL Delta Spirit Airline Jet Blue JBLU UAL AAL LUV Southwest Airline

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