By admin Dec, 10, 2019 Featured
We’re at maybe 1% of what is
possible. Despite the faster change, we’re still moving slow relative to the
opportunities we have. I think a lot of that is because of the negativity…
every story I’ve read is Google vs someone else. That’s boring. We should be
focusing on building things that don’t exist… the Web isn’t advancing as fast
as it should be.”
Larry Page
Larry Page
is a computer scientist and an internet entrepreneur, popularly known for
co-founding Google, Alphabet Inc., and PageRank. He ranks No. 8 on Forbes 2020 World's Billionaires list.
Net worth
Net worth
$63.7B as of May 27, 2020.
Early life & education
Edward Page was born on the 26th of March, 1973 in Lansing Michigan.
His mother Gloria, was a computer programming instructor at Lyman Briggs
College, while his father, Victor Page was a computer science professor at
Michigan State University and a pioneer in computer science and artificial
intelligence. Having both parents, computer-inclined, it was only natural for
Page to pick up a keen interest in computers. At an early age of 6, he was able
to operate with any computers he found around his home—first-generation
computers. He practically became the first kid at school to submit a
word-processor assignment. Unlike his peers, Page had first-hand access to
computers and was fascinated by them. He would later have this to say, “the
house was usually a mess, with computers, science, and technology magazines all
over the place.” A life he had grown to embrace and pursue in the long run.
Page had his
high school education at the East Lansing High School where he graduated in
1991. Before graduating from high school, he spent two summers at the
Interlochen Center for the Arts where he enrolled as a saxophonist. He later
moved on to the University of Michigan where he graduated with a B.Sc in
computer science and bagged a Master's degree in computer science from Stanford
University. During his undergraduate days at the University of Michigan, Page
built an inkjet printer out of Lego bricks. He later re-engineered the ink
cartridge and created all necessary mechanics and electronics to drive it. His
intention was to use inkjet printers to print large posters at a cheaper rate.
Page decided to pursue his academic interest in computers by enrolling at his
alma mater, Stanford University to pursue a Doctorate degree in computer
science. Only this time around, he approached computers from the mathematical
point of view by exploring mathematical properties of the World Wide Web. He
was keen on researching the links between webpages with the number and nature
of such backlinks of the selected pages into consideration.
parents played a crucial role in shaping his computer interest, they created a
science and tech-friendly atmosphere at home, and paid attention to his
curiosity which in turn “fostered creativity and invention.” Computers weren’t
the only things that fascinated him, as he grew music fascinated him as
well. He spent a part of his childhood
learning music composition and playing the flute. He further pursued his music
interest by enrolling at the Interlochen Arts Camp, Interlochen, Michigan.
According to page his love for computers and music are inseparable as musical
education spur his “impatience and obsession” with computing speed. In an
interview, Page had this to say about music, “in some sense, I feel like music
training led to high-speed legacy of Google for me. Time is like the primary
thing… if you think about it from a music point of view, if you’re a
percussionist, you hit something, it’s got to happen in milliseconds, fractions
of a second.”
In 1998,
Page teamed up with Sergey Brin, a fellow Ph.D. student at Stanford, to author
a research paper titled “The Anatomy of Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search
Engine”, which became one of the most recognized and cited scientific research
documents in the history of the internet at that time. Page and Brin developed
the PageRank algorithm (named after Page) which was used to convert the
backlink data gathered from BackRub’s web crawler to rank page results
according to their level of importance. With this, the duo created a proper
search engine which was able to list results based on page-popularity. The
search engine was then officially named ‘Google’ which was gotten from the
mathematical term ‘googol’ which is a term used to refer to the No.1 followed
by hundred zeros. Their goal was
basically “to organize the world’s information and make it universally
accessible and useful.”
In 1998, the
duo officially launched the company, Google after raising a sum of $1 million
from friends, family, and other investors. The pair began by first
experimenting with smaller servers to enable Google to fit into each square
meter of third-party warehouses they had rented for their servers. By doing
this, they modified the search engine to accelerate at high speed compared to
its competitors.
In 2000,
Google was rated the ‘most comprehensive search engine’ as it had already
indexed 1 billion internet URLs. The NEC Research Institute stated in its June
press release that there were over 1 billion web pages, and Google provided
access to 560 million full-text indexed web pages and another 500 million
partially indexed URLs at the time.
In 2001,
Page officially assumed the position of Google’s CEO. Like every other CEO
would, Page had his own management style and strategies which would involve
dissolving all non-engineering managers who all Google’s engineers had
previously reported to. In his words, it wasn’t proper for non-engineers to
supervise the work of engineers due to their inadequate technical knowledge.
Though this new advancement wasn’t embraced by all Google employees, especially
those directly affected, it eventually became a standard across Silicon Valley.
experienced expansion with a change in management when Kleiner Perkins
Caulfield & Sequoia Capital, Silicon Valley’s biggest investors, accepted
to invest $50 million in Google only if Page would step aside as the CEO. Which
he adhered to. By 2004, Google had new leadership, Eric Schmidt. At this time,
Google experienced a major shift and growth in all aspects including its IPO.
In 2005,
Page acquired Android on behalf of Google for $50 million. The aim was to make
Google search engine accessible to handheld computers, thereby covering more
customer grounds. Through the acquisition, Page spent more time with Android
CEO and co-founder, Andy Rubin. The collaboration of both parties led to the
creation of T-Mobile. The first T-Mobile model was launched in September 2008.
It became the first phone to used Android software. By 2010, about 17% of the
handset market was made up of Android sales, beating Apple, its major
competitor for the first time.
In 2006,
Google acquired YouTube, the most popular website for streaming videos. The
acquisition was worth $1.65 billion in stock. By 2015, Page and Brin announced
the launch of Alphabet, a new parent company of Google. The aim of the company
was to oversee the affairs of Google and its subsidiaries.
Since the
early 2000s, Google has undergone remarkable changes and expansion. By the end
of Schmidt's tenure as CEO in 2011, the company was worth over $180 billion
with over 24,000 employees.
For his love
of daring innovations, and creating things that have not yet been created, Page
has invested in Tesla Motors, and greatly supports Musk’s dreams of
commercially transporting people into space. He had this to say about Musk, “He
[Musk] wants to go to Mars to back up humanity. That’s a worthy goal. We have a
lot of employees at Google who’ve become pretty wealthy. You’re working because
you want to change the world and make it better… I’d like for us to help out
more than we are.”
Tags: Biography Google Larry Page Net Worth Stock Billionaire
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