- Semiconductor chipmaker Semikron falls victim of a recent cyberattack

Semiconductor chipmaker Semikron falls victim of a recent cyberattack

By Glory Aug, 03, 2022 Technology

German producer of semiconductors for industrial automation systems and electric vehicle batteries Semikron, has acknowledged that it was the target of a cyberattack that led to data encryption.

Although Semikron declined to provide the specifics of the breach, ransomware is the prime suspect. In a statement, Semikron said that threat actors had allegedly "exfiltrated data from our system," which as a result, partially encrypted the chip maker's IT servers and files. This shows the attacker utilized a double extortion ransomware technique, in which criminals encrypt and then steal a victim's sensitive data.

The Nuremberg-based company, refused to name the perpetrators of the incident or to confirm whether it had been approached for a ransom. But according to Bleeping Computer, Semikron fell prey to the LV ransomware, and the hackers reportedly stole 2 terabytes of records, according to TechCrunch.

“Semikron is already in the process of dealing with the situation so that workflows and all related processes can continue without disruption for both employees and customers as soon as possible,” a Semikron spokesperson said in a statement.

According to cybersecurity firm Secureworks, LV ransomware has been active since 2020 and utilizes a modified version of REvil malware. Semikron is not yet listed as a victim on the group's list, claiming that it targets businesses that purportedly breach data protection laws.

“With the support of external cyber security and forensic experts, we are investigating the incident,” Semikron said “At the same time, we are working to restore the ability to work in order to minimize the disruption to our employees, customers and partners and to ensure the security of our IT systems as best as possible.”

Semikron has more than 3,100 employees in 24 offices and 8 factories globally including Germany, Brazil, China, France, India, Italy, Slovakia, and the United States.


Tags: Semikron semiconductor chips LV malware cyberattack

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