By STEPHEN ADEBAYO Jun, 02, 2023 Business
With the aim of combating vaccine shortage and bolstering the resilience of Africa's healthcare system, the Mastercard Foundation has embarked on a transformative $45 million partnership with the Senegalese Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD). This visionary collaboration, named MADIBA (Manufacturing in Africa for Disease Immunization and Building Autonomy), seeks to equip young Africans, with a particular focus on women, with the necessary skills for vaccine production, research, and distribution. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated challenges, this partnership not only addresses vaccine inequality but also aligns with the African Union's ambitious goal of meeting 60% of the continent's vaccine needs by 2040. Leveraging the Mastercard Foundation's Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives, this collaboration aims to pave the way for a resilient future, fostering local expertise and autonomy in vaccine manufacturing.
Unveiling the MADIBA Partnership
The MADIBA partnership between the Mastercard Foundation and IPD represents a significant stride towards enhancing Africa's vaccine production capacity. With an initial investment of $45 million, this collaboration will establish a state-of-the-art training center where young Africans will receive comprehensive instruction in vaccine production, research methodologies, and efficient distribution networks. Recognizing the importance of gender equality and inclusion, the partnership places a strong emphasis on empowering women, enabling them to play a pivotal role in shaping Africa's healthcare landscape.
Addressing Vaccine Shortages and Inequality
The urgency of this partnership is underscored by the prevailing vaccine shortage experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many African nations faced challenges in securing an adequate supply of vaccines, leaving populations vulnerable and healthcare systems overwhelmed. The MADIBA initiative aims to bridge this gap by equipping African countries with the knowledge and skills to manufacture vaccines locally, thereby reducing dependence on external sources. By training a new generation of vaccine experts, the partnership seeks to build resilience and ensure equitable access to life-saving immunizations for all African communities.
Aligned with the African Union's Vision
The MADIBA partnership closely aligns with the African Union's strategic vision of meeting 60% of the continent's vaccine needs by 2040. This ambitious target aims to reduce Africa's reliance on imported vaccines and foster local production capabilities. By investing in the training and capacity building of young Africans, the Mastercard Foundation and IPD contribute to the realization of this vision. The partnership represents a crucial step towards strengthening Africa's self-sufficiency in vaccine manufacturing and distribution, ultimately leading to improved public health outcomes and greater healthcare equity across the continent.
Amadou Sall, the CEO of IPD, is confident that the collaboration with Mastercard will contribute to the advancement of human capital development in biomanufacturing across Africa.
See what he had to say:
•“The project is a crucial pillar for vaccine equity and autonomy and a significant driver for high-skilled job creation among young and female Africans.”
“We aim to train a workforce for MADIBA and other African vaccine manufacturers, develop partnerships with African universities and promote science education among young students.”
“We extend our gratitude to the Mastercard Foundation for investing in our mission to accelerate equitable and sustainable access to health in Africa along with other financial and technical partners of the MADIBA project,”
Building on Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives:
The MADIBA partnership serves as an extension of the Mastercard Foundation's Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives. This broader initiative aims to support the delivery of vaccines, strengthen healthcare systems, and facilitate the post-pandemic recovery process across Africa. By investing in vaccine manufacturing capacity, the Foundation demonstrates its commitment to not only addressing immediate health crises but also building long-term resilience. The partnership serves as a catalyst for transformative change, empowering African youth and fostering local innovation to ensure the continent's health security and socio-economic prosperity.
According to Reeta Roy, the President and CEO of the Mastercard Foundation, the partnership and the MADIBA project represent a seamless continuation of the Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives initiated by the foundation. In his own words, he emphasizes the alignment and progression of these efforts, saying:
•“This partnership builds on the game-changing intent of the Saving Lives and Livelihoods initiative. That is, to keep everyone safe by rolling out COVID-19 vaccinations while ensuring Africa’s long-term health security by building vaccine manufacturing expertise and workforce on the continent. In the process, our collaboration will also benefit the livelihoods of young people in Africa.”
The MADIBA partnership between the Mastercard Foundation and IPD stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against vaccine shortages and healthcare inequalities in Africa. By investing $45 million in training centers and empowering young Africans, particularly women, this collaboration is poised to revolutionize vaccine manufacturing and distribution on the continent. As the initiative aligns with the African Union's ambitious vision and leverages the Mastercard Foundation's Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives, it sets the stage for a brighter, more resilient future. By harnessing the power of local expertise and autonomy, the MADIBA partnership will contribute to equitable access to life-saving vaccines, protecting the health and well-being of African communities for generations to come.
Tags: Mastercard Foundation MADIBA Partnership Africa healthcare system local vaccine production vaccine shortage vaccine inequality African Union young Africans women skills research Saving Lives and Livelihood Initiatives
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