By PETER AGADA Oct, 23, 2023 Featured
Are you looking for the Dollar to Naira exchange rate at the parallel market, also known as the black market (Abokifx), today? Today, October 23rd, 2023, the dollar to naira exchange rate is 1 USD to ₦1200 at the black market.
This clearly means that for every US dollar you exchange today, you get ₦1200. Verified channels have reported this figure today.
The change in the exchange rate is a result of a lot of factors, including global trends, market fluctuations, and political developments. At the time of this report, you can buy and sell 1 USD at ₦1200 and ₦1180.
Today, the current exchange rate for the dollar to the naira at the parallel market (back market, or Abokifx) is ₦1200 and sold for ₦1180.
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Naira Exchange Rates for Banks
Tags: Dollar Naira
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