By STEPHEN ADEBAYO Mar, 30, 2023 Technology
The interest in Artificial intelligence has reached new highs, with new AI applications being released on a daily basis to the general public.
An open letter that contains more than 1000 signatures by people including Elon Musk , Apple cofounder, Steve Wozniak and a range of other Tech stakeholders and researchers
came up in response to the recent release of GPT-4 created by San Francisco startup.
Their Concerns:
“AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity,” said the open letter titled “Pause Giant AI Experiments”.
“Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable,” it said
The break suggested by the petition would give AI labs and independent experts the time to develop safety protocols for advanced AI design that makes AI systems more accurate, safer, interpretable, trustworthy, and loyal, according to the open letter.
Many Artificial Intelligence experts have presented arguments that this pause in AI experiments will significantly slow down and stifle innovation.
Despite their concerns and debates, it is undeniable that the concerns raised in the open letter cannot be disregarded. The development of AI with human-level intelligence presents potential ethical and societal challenges like the risk of job displacement and the use of AI for inappropriate purposes.
The open letter expresses the wish of a large group of tech experts to ensure that a cautious approach is adopted in the development and advancement of Artificial intelligence. It further urges AI researchers to work together yo develop safe and ethical guidelines for the purpose of making sure the development of AI is in the best interest of humanity.
The arguments and debates around the development of AI is complex as there have been valid reasons from parties who believe in furthering the cause and parties who express their concerns and doubts about the safety of advanced AI. The potential risks of advanced AI are too great to be ignored so it is extremely important that in the development of AI, the benefits are simply maximized and the risks, greatly minimized to achieve optimum balance.
Tags: AI GPT-4 petition Elon Musk
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