By Glory Jan, 01, 2021 Featured

Vice President-elect, Kamala Harris on Tuesday received her first dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on television. She then encouraged Americans to get vaccinated for the coronavirus to save their lives.

“I want to encourage everyone to get the vaccine. It is relatively painless. It happens quickly. It is safe,” Harris said. Adding that, the purpose of getting vaccinated is to save lives and help curb the further spread of the virus as the vaccine has been well tested and approved by scientists.

Harris said Americans have “trusted sources of help” and vaccines will be made available for them. Also, she thanked the United Medical Center for its relentless service in Southeast (Washington) DC. A community Harris described as “often overlooked.”

“I want to remind people that right in your community is where you can take the vaccine, where you will receive the vaccine, by folks you may know, folks who are otherwise working in the same hospital where your children were born. Folks who are working in the same hospital where an elderly relative received the kind of care that they needed,” Harris said.

The vice president-elect received her first dose of vaccine nearly a week after President-elect Joe Biden got his on live television. Like Harris, Biden encouraged Americans to get vaccinated and assured them of its safety.

In the wake of the coronavirus in 2020, many pharmaceuticals and biotech companies entered the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. Many of these companies set their deadlines for October and November 2020, respectively. However, the US Food and Drug Administration has so far authorized two vaccines for emergency use from two companies: Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna.

As Americans and other nations await the circulation of these vaccines, there have been increasing mixed reactions, especially over the prices. Concerning this, the US Vice President-elect on Thursday said in a tweet that once President-elect Joe Biden gets into office, they will see to it that the vaccines are distributed “equitably and free of charge.” She made the statement in support of Biden’s criticism of the Trump administration’s approach at vaccine distribution, as they say, that it could take years to vaccinate the entire nation. Biden has promised Americans that 100 million vaccine shots will be administered in his first 100 days in office.

“As Joe Biden said yesterday, once in office we will ensure that the Covid-19 vaccines are distributed equitably and free of charge – so it doesn’t matter the color of your skin or where you live. If you want a vaccine, you’ll be able to get one,” Harris said in a tweet.

Biden, also announced on Wednesday that he would do everything possible to speed up vaccine production, including invoking the Defence Production Act.

“I am going to move heaven and earth to get us going in the right direction. I am going to use my power under the Defence Production Act when I am sworn in and order private industry to accelerate the making of the materials needed for the vaccines as well as protective gear,” said Biden.

Tags: Kamala Harris Joe Biden Covid-19 vaccine vaccination

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