- Aliko Dangote pays tribute to his late brother by establishing a therapeutic food factory in Kano

Aliko Dangote pays tribute to his late brother by establishing a therapeutic food factory in Kano

By admin Mar, 11, 2022 Private

Aliko Dangote, the president of the Dangote Group, promised on Wednesday to reach an agreement with governments, local governments, and local producers of Nutri-Ready-to-Use K's Therapeutic Food (RUTF) to ensure a steady supply of the product to primary healthcare centers that treat severe and acute malnutrition (SAM).

On Wednesday, he said this at the Kano opening of a factory that will create the RUTF. Dangote recalled the notion as one of his late brother's aspirations, and he expressed delight that it had come true and will continue.

"I recall my late brother Sani telling me that he was going to start making RUTF locally in Kano to help the Foundation fight malnutrition in Nigeria. I'm delighted his vision has finally come to fulfillment. His legacy continues on as a visionary leader. I applaud the company's board of directors and management for taking the daring step of constructing this new and huge plant dedicated to the production of RUTF, which will transform the fight against hunger and uncommon acute malnutrition in Nigeria. Nigeria needs to put an end to the epidemic of severe acute malnutrition, and the opening of this factory today brings us closer to that goal, which I am confident we will achieve very soon."

Malnutrition is one of the most serious development challenges, according to the World Bank, and it can have a lifetime impact on a child, according to Dangote. "A child's first few years are critical for growth and development."

"Well-nourished youngsters are 33% more likely to escape poverty as adults, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)." Childhood malnutrition, on the other hand, can have long-term implications such as reduced IQ, poor social-emotional skills, and a weakened immune system, so it's very essential, and it's not a joke," he said.

Dangote also stated that RUTF production in Nigeria is critical because it is one of the Aliko Dangote Foundation's (ADF) strategic achievements, which is to reduce the number of lives lost to malnutrition and disease.

He also stated that combating children's plight is at the heart of the ADF as a means of improving children's lives through investments in health, education, and economic empowerment.


Tags: Aliko Dangote brother Dangote cement Dangore business

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