- A new look at Joe Biden's office, the 46th president of the United States of America.

A new look at Joe Biden's office, the 46th president of the United States of America.

By admin Jan, 21, 2021 Featured

President Joe Biden is in his new office now and he has redecorated his new office in a very historic way. Here is the new look of his newly decorated office, the Oval Office at the white house.  


According to NBC, "Newly inaugurated US President Joe Biden was photographed in the Oval Office for the first time on Wednesday, a space which has been notably redecorated following former president Donald Trump’s departure. Biden switched out a portrait of former president Andrew Jackson in favor of Ben Franklin and has brought in busts of Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks among others".

“This Oval is an Oval for Day One,” said Ashley Williams, the deputy director of Oval Office operations, as she gave The Washington Post an exclusive 20-minute tour of the office before Biden set foot inside.

“It was important for President Biden to walk into an Oval that looked like America and started to show the landscape of who he is going to be as president,” Williams said


President Joe Biden’s office was redecorated on the same day he took office on January 20, 2021. He proceeded to sign a lot of executive orders that same day to reverse a lot of Trump’s questionable policies. 


See the looks of President Joe Biden’s office below.  A lot of nice historic images are in these pictures. 

Tags: Joe Biden Kamala Harris 46th president of the USA USA

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