Bank of America will pay you $15 dollars to do your own Bank by Yourself if you use the app by January 17, 2019

Port believes that what you are about to read is really not the usual, but
could be exciting and beneficial to those who are customers of Bank of America.
of America (BAC) which is the second largest bank in America based on asset
(about $2.4 trillion) and the most digitally advanced hopes to pay people who
use its mobile app up to $15. Bank of America has close to 40 million customers
who bank digitally out of which about 30 million of these customers use the
bank’s app and 10 million use its virtual assistant, Erica. However, it seems
this large figure is not enough for this second-largest bank.
in the second week of December, the bank will deposit $15 into the accounts of
customers if they try mobile check deposit, transfer money to someone via the
Zelle app, and use mobile bill pay by Jan. 17.
The Bank of America began the mobile check deposit technology
back in 2012, when the USSA debuted the tech in 2009 after it saw that it could
dramatically shorten teller lines if it found another way for bank customers to
deposit checks. Since then it has become a standard feature for mobile banking
With many customers of the bank being young with considerable
experience in digital banking, the Bank of America still has plenty of its
customers who are not as comfortable as expected with the latest banking
technology and do not yet know the full capabilities of a digital app. This
promotion is believed to be a way of nudging them to step into the digital
world a bit further.
It is quite unusual to pay people when they paychecks. The
bank must have its reasons. According to them, it is quite cheaper to operate
the app. Bank of America’s head of Advanced Solutions and Digital Banking,
David Tyrie said, “Taking a check into a financial center and handing it to a
teller is more expensive than putting it into an ATM, and depositing a check in
an ATM machine costs more than mobile check deposit.”
bank is currently testing making payment to customers to deposit checks and use
its other digital offerings as it has about a million users who have not yet
used all the functionality of the app. For Bank of America believes that
engagement is the key to its digital strategy, which is centered on its
Alexa-like chatbot Erica, customization and personalization, and smoother
further said, “It’s one thing to be focused on how many digital users you have,
but you will eventually get to a stage where it’s now not about how many users
you have but what kind of engagement.”
by the bank's view and those of most of its customers, digital is preferable in
most cases, and of the 10 billion customer interactions per year, 8 billion of
them are also digital customers.
to Tyrie, “When it comes to transactions, there’s virtually nothing you can’t
do on the digital experience that you can do at a financial center except
taking out physical cash or get certain documents notarized, but everything
else you can do.”
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