Definition of angel investor in finance
An angel investor is an investor who provides financing for small companies or entrepreneurs, typically on more favorable terms than could otherwise be obtained. Angel investors are often friends or f...
An angel investor is an investor who provides financing for small companies or entrepreneurs, typically on more favorable terms than could otherwise be obtained. Angel investors are often friends or f...
An analyst is the lowest ranking of the front-office roles within an investment bank. Some of the responsibilities of an investment-banking analyst are:Creating models, valuations and projections...
Amortization is the reduction of a debt or asset over a specific period of time....
The Alternative Investment Market, or AIM, is part of the London Stock Exchange. Essentially it is a less regulated and constrained stock exchange for smaller companies which have less market capitali...
Alpha is a term used in trading to indicate risk-adjusted performance. It is one of the 5 technical risk ratios (beta, standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, R-squared, alpha).Alph...
Simply put, an algorithm is a set of rules for completing something in a certain way, which can be repeated endless times....
Additional Paid In Capital is an accounting term found on the Balance Sheet under Shareholder's Equity. It is the value of the shares of the company above what they were issued it....
An acquisition is an action by a corporation to assume control of a target firm. This is done by buying either all or most of the target's ownership stakes. Acquisitions can either be friendly (the ta...
Accrued Income is when a company puts down income on its balance sheet before it is actually received. This is usually because the payment is frequent and regular....
Accrued Expenses are when a company puts down costs on its balance sheet before they actually pay them. This is usually because the liability is frequent and regular (i.e. wages)....