Definition of Back Office income in finance
The back office is the section of a firm responsible for functions related to the running of the company such as:SettlementsComplianceAccountingIT & Other Technology...
The back office is the section of a firm responsible for functions related to the running of the company such as:SettlementsComplianceAccountingIT & Other Technology...
Audit is a way of examining firm or account practices. Auditing is a service provided by financial service firms (i.e. Deloitte, PriceWaterHouse Cooper, KPMG, Ernst & Young). I...
An Associate is the second lowest ranking of the front-office roles within an investment bank. The responsibilities are similar to those of an analyst, except with more emphasis on managing the A...
Asset Management is a team within a financial firm that is dedicated to managing the assets (cash, investments etc.) of clients. The asset management firm has dedicated portfolio managers as well...
An asset backed security (ABS) is a security which uses an asset as the form of backing (i.e. collateral). The asset is usually something that provides consistent payments that line up with ...
An asset is any resource with value that is held by a company, individual or country. Assets add to value and are bought either to increase value or to benefit the firm....
Ask is simply the price in a market at which an asset can be bought (i.e. the price at which it is being sold). The ask price is usually also quoted with the amount of the asset which the seller is pr...
Arbitrage is the technique of investing in two assets (going long one and short the other) and assuming that the prices will converge over time. This is made possible as a result of market ineffi...
An annuity is a product that is sold by financial institutions to investors. The investors pay in a certain amount of money over a period of time, and then at a given time (called annuitization), the ...
APR or Annual Percentage Rate is the rate of interest a lender charges to a borrower over a yearly period. An APR is expressed as a percentage rate, which shows how much you will be paying in interest...