Definition of blue chip in finance
A blue chip company is one that is large, globally recognized and financially stable. They typically sell products that are widely used and high quality. Usually, blue chip companies are seen as being...
A blue chip company is one that is large, globally recognized and financially stable. They typically sell products that are widely used and high quality. Usually, blue chip companies are seen as being...
Bid is simply the price in a market for which an asset can be sold (i.e. the price at which it is being bought). The bid price is usually also quoted with the amount of the asset which the buyer is pr...
Beta is a term used in trading to indicate volatility or systematic risk of an asset compared to that of the overall market. Beta is one of the 5 technical risk ratios, is also sometimes kno...
A 'bear' is any investor or firm which believes that the financial markets (or any asset within them) is going to fall in value. They are typically seen as the pessimists of the financial world.In the...
A basis point is a unit of measure that is equal to 0.01 percentage points, i.e. a bond with a yield of 450 basis points has a yield of 4.5% (450 x 0.01).Basis points are used when pricing bond yields...
Basel III is a set of measures aimed at reforming the global banking sector in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to make the financial sector more stable. The main focus of Basel III is to increas...
A bank run is a situation when the customers of a commercial bank all attempt to withdraw their deposits within a very short space of time due to a lack of confidence in the solvency of the bank. If, ...
A bank in the general sense is simply a financial institution which receives customer deposits. Due to the fact that banks have control over the money of the general population, they are usually highl...
A balance sheet is one of the three financial statements that are used to value a company and to show what it owns or owes. The Balance Sheet lists all assets, liabilities and shareholder's equit...
Backwardation is a trading term used to refer to a situation where the price of a future for a specific asset is lower than the expected spot price at the time of expiration of the future...