Test for Finance section of the page
Finance 101 will go here. and all about how to invest. ...
Finance 101 will go here. and all about how to invest. ...
A broker is an intermediary who performs orders on behalf of a client, and takes a fee for doing so (regardless of whether the trade is profitable or not). Brokers usually have fixed trade commissions...
Bridge Loan is a term used frequently in investment banking, private equity and venture capital. It is a loan which is used to enable a firm to undertake an acquisition / takeover ...
A breakout is a term used in technical analysis for trading and refers to the price movement of an asset through a level of support or resistance. A breakout will usually involve large volum...
A breakeven point is the level at which an investor or firm will have made no profit and no loss on an investment, i.e. a return of zero.Investors and firms calculate a point or price at which all the...
A 'box spread' is a trading term used for hedging when trading. It requires buying and selling highly correlated assets in the correct ratios to each other. An example of a box would be...
Boutique investment banks are smaller than the large global banks and tend to focus on one or two areas of investment banking. Typically, they act in an advisory role for M&A although so...
Book Value (BV) is the value of any asset as recorded on a balance sheet. When used in context of a company, it is total assets minus intangible assets minus liabilities although depending on who...
A bond is a financial product that allows an investor to lend money to a company or government. The company or government issues a bond that is essentially an IOU, which is then purchased by investors...
Bollinger Bands are a feature of a chart used in technical analysis to analyze volatility in a market. They are derived from the standard deviations away from the moving average price.Wide Bollinger B...